International License of Experiences: Certification of Skills

The acquisition of International Experience License (IEL)  is subject to the recognition of specific professional skills in the field of experiences. This recognition is granted following the presentation of certificates issued by the following institutions and professional associations:

  • Italy: AIPTOC – Italian Association of Tourism Professionals and Cultural Operators (for IEL levels: II, III, IV, V, VI, VII) 

The certification of the skills necessary for obtaining the International Experience License (IEL) is also recognized, for all IEL levels, following the presentation of the certificates issued upon passing the final test of the courses indicated on this page. Some training courses, although not specific for experience professionals, may contain within them Teaching Units that provide experiential skills. For example: Exhibition Curator (IEL level I), Ecomuseum Operator (IEL level III) and Ecomuseum Director (IEL level VI)

Training Institutions wishing to include their courses among the recognized ones can send a request email to

Recognized courses with IEL level assignment

It is possible to filter the courses by the different categories making up the recognized IEL levels. The seventh IEL level (trainers) is assigned only following a curricular evaluation. 

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Featured training
Basic courses 

Courses with Professionalizing Certification pursuant to Law 4/2013